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In Polkaswap you can stake (also known as nominating validators as well as provide single-sided liquidity using the Demeter Farming platform.

  1. Navigate to the Staking page on Polkaswap.

  1. Click on the drop-down menu to select the preferred token you would like to stake.
  2. Review all the staking details regarding this token, including the APR, total liquidity locked, reward token, and fee.

  1. After reviewing the details, click on the "Start staking" button.

  2. Enter the amount of tokens you would like to stake or click "MAX" to stake all the available balance of the token.

  3. Review your stake amount, APR, and fee.

  1. Click "Confirm" and sign the transaction in your wallet extension.

Congrats, you have successfully staked your tokens on Polkaswap!

You can now claim your staking rewards once they become available, remove your stake, or stake more tokens by repeating the above steps.

SORA Staking

  1. Navigate to the Staking page on Polkaswap.

  1. Click on SORA Staking from the list and click "Start Staking".

  1. Input the amount to stake and click confirm.

  1. You can allow the algorithm to select the best validators for you, or choose them yourself.


If you have Validators you know and trust, you can choose them manually, otherwise allow the algorithm to select them for you. You can change your Validators any time you want.

  1. If you choose the suggested Validators, you will get a disclaimer screen informing you of the risks. Accept the disclaimer by clicking "Yes, I Understand" then review the stake allocation.

  1. Confirm all the information is correct and sign the transaction.

  1. Alternatively, if you prefer to choose your own validators, from step 4, select "I'll Pick the Validators Myself" then accept the disclaimer.

  1. Select your favorite Validators from the list (up to 95)

  1. Confirm your selection then sign the transaction. You are now nominating a SORA Validator.

Reviewing your SORA Stake

The next time you navigate to the Staking tab on Polkaswap, the SORA staking section will appear as active and will display your APR.

When you click on the SORA Staking section, you will be able to review the statistics of your stake, as well as add and remove the stake from your node.

Managing your SORA Stake

Aside from adding or removing XOR from your stake, you can also manage your Validators and claim your rewards.

To add more XOR, click on the Stake More button, input the amount of XOR to be added then sign the transaction.

To remove some or all of your stake of XOR, click on Remove Stake, then select the percentage of your stake to remove.


The unstaking period is 7 days from when you confirm the transaction to remove your stake.

Managing your Staking Rewards

From the SORA Staking interface you can also manage your rewards. Click on the three dots then pending rewards to see the reward allocation due to you. You can also trigger a payout in case your Validator has not done so for you.

Managing your Nominated Validators

You can also change the Validators you have nominated from this interface, click on the three dots then Validators to see your nominations and the rest available.

If you click on the slider to All, you will see the list of all available Validators and their commission percentage.


The commission is a percentage of the total rewards allocated to the Validator. The remaining amount is divided between the nominators.

To edit the Validators you choose to nominate, from the "Your Validator" view, click "Change Validators."

You will be given the option once again to select suggested Validators or pick them by yourself. Pick whichever you prefer then confirm the changes by signing the transaction.