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You can make your token a part of SORA network by simply adding it.

  1. First, you need to have a Substrate-compatible account and add it to Polkadot.js extension in your browser.

  2. Add XOR to the account to pay the fee for token creation. For that, you can move either XOR or another ERC-20 token, such as ETH or DAI, that you can then exchange to XOR on Polkaswap.

  3. Go to > "Account" > "Create Token":

  4. Fill in the details of your token:

  1. Confirm the network fee and create the token.


Please note that adding token to SORA network does not mean that it will automatically be allowed to be transferred through the HASHI bridge. To add your token to the HASHI bridge, please, check out Adding a Token to the HASHI Bridge.