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Fearless Wallet

Fearless Wallet is built natively for iOS and Android, delivering a far superior user experience to any other wallet in the Kusama and Polkadot ecosystem.

Using Fearless Wallet, you can create and manage your Kusama and Polkadot wallets in one place.

In addition to sending and receiving KSM/DOT, the following features are also supported:

  • Staking: Users will be able to nominate validators, bond tokens, and participate in democratic decision-making forums within the Kusama and Polkadot networks.

  • Crowdloans: Loan KSM and (in the future) DOT to projects so they can win their parachain auctions.

  • Buying KSM/DOT: Using RAMP and Moonpay, you can buy KSM/DOT with your credit card in just a few easy steps!


For more information and user guides visit the Fearless Wallet Wiki.

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