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The SORA Ecosystem

SORA is a community-first network within the Substrate ecosystem. As of writing, the SORA Kusama parachain is currently active, with the SORA Polkadot parachain coming soon. Community members and developers are the key stakeholders of SORA, therefore feature development is mapped out on the SORA Integrated Plan, which is open to receive milestone contributions through the RFP program.

Additionally to the SORA mainnet, the SORA ecosystem also comprises two parachains that connect to the Kusama and Polkadot ecosystems.

  • The SORA Kusama parachain has secured a lease to the Kusama relay chain until the 17th January 2025
  • The SORA Polkadot parachain has secured a lease to the Polkadot relay chain until the 20th November 2025

What You Will Find in This Section

The SORA Integrated Plan as well as its current milestones are hosted here. You will also find information on Polkaswap, such as the Memorandum and T&C's and the Polkaswap privacy policy.

Information on the SORA Synthetics and SORA Card are also available here. An important part of the SORA ecosystem are the wallets you can use, in this section you can find information on the SORA and Fearless Wallets.

Finally, in the Request Features section you will find the guide to contribute to SORA network development, as well as how to submit an RFP with a proposal for new features.

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