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The Polkaswap Statistics page provides important information about the transactions, accounts, fees, and token supply. It includes charts and data for different timeframes, allowing users to analyze the platform's performance over time.

The Network statistics section provides an overview of the total transactions, new accounts created, Hashi bridge transfers in the SORA to Ethereum and Ethereum to SORA directions in day, week, month, 3 and 6 months, as well as one year intervals.

Below, the TVL (Total Value Locked) and overall trading Volume are displayed, the amount of fees generated and the total supply of SORA network tokens can also be queried here. Each section can be independently queried in day, week, month, 3 and 6 months, as well as one year intervals.

The Polkaswap Statistics page is a valuable tool for anyone looking to track the SORA network and tokens performance.

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